Want to join our team?
Would you like to help out the convention, and your fellow attendees? Are you able to offer friendly and helpful ‘customer-service’ style interactions? WE NEED YOU!
We’ve got several ‘front-desk’ crew positions available in our convention operations (‘Con-Ops’) department. If you’d like to skip right to the application form, it can be found here.
As a crew-member on the con-ops front desk, you’d need to be on-duty for one (or more if so available) six-hour shift. This would be providing help and assistance to attendees, as well as to other staff & crew.
You may be called upon to get involved with;
- Dealing with lost property
- Helping late-registration attendees
- Assisting attendees with questions
- Directing people if they need help figuring out where something is
- Advising people on any queries about our event schedule.
- Helping with some back-office operations
- Other ‘customer-service’ style requests
You’ll need to interact with attendees and other staff in a courteous and professional manner. For any issues you’re unsure of, you’ll have the benefit of a team of people behind you to help out if you need to escalate any issues.
We have several positions available, to ensure we have good cover during the convention period, so apply today and become part of the team!
(successful applications will have a crew-discount retroactively applied to their registration).