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Super-Sponsor Upgrades Now available (Plus T-Shirt Preview!)

We’re pleased to announce that Super-Sponsor registration is now open, and we can also share with you this year’s T-Shirt!

If you’d like to help the convention, and want to go the extra mile, then Super-Sponsor is for you.  The funds we raise through this are all invested into making ConFuzzled the best we can make it! It really does help, and makes a big difference for us!

Want to upgrade? Just email and they’ll make it happen for you (if you’re not a sponsor already, both the ‘Sponsor’ and ‘Super Sponsor’ upgrades will be added to your reg, and both will need to be paid for).  Pricing can be found HERE, and our reg team will work out what extra you need to pay based on your current level.

Of course we have other choices if Super-Sponsor is not right for you, including ‘Plus’, and ‘Sponsor’ options available, and today we can announce what you’ll be getting in your convention packs.  It’s our way of thanking you for your support!

Plus Sponsor Super-Sponsor
  • T-Shirt
  • 4” Holo Decal
  • All the Plus gear
  • Sweets
  • Bee Friendly Seed Bombs
  • Drinking Vessel / Mug
  • All the Plus and Sponsor Gear
  • Bag / Backpack
  • Custom Velcro Patch

And on top, we’re still looking into the possibility of adding even more!

We promised above to share the T-Shirt design for 2020, and here it is:

We think it’s pretty amazing, and the artwork here is by the wonderful Lapras.  Want to see more? Twitter here: @LapresOfficial

If you want to upgrade, whether it’s to Super Sponsor, Sponsor or Plus – just contact